Fort Point Theatre Channel
Atlantic Works Gallery

Early Stations of the Doublecross

An FPTC Workshop
Atlantic Works Gallery
80 Border Street
East Boston
March 23, 2024 @ 3:00 pm


“Early Stations of the Doublecross,” a workshop with songs, is part of FPTC planning for “Stations of the Doublecross,” a new show to be presented in Provincetown in June.

Since 2017, FPTC co-artistic directors Mitchel Ahern, Rick Dorff, and Nick Thorkelson have helped organize three shows in Provincetown, all taking place at the AMP Gallery: Through the Keyhole, Serf’s Up, and The Spirits Teach Us How to Build the Union Family Sewing Machine.

The AMP Gallery has closed, but Provincetown impresario Jay Critchley has offered his backyard for a new FPTC show. The yard’s structures (outhouse, two sheds, studio, porta-potty) surround a terrace space for the audience, inspiring our theme and title: “Stations of the Doublecross.” FPTC is in the process of recruiting improv artists, musicians, and other players for this production. 

Design and Music: Rick and Nick are creating a giant puppet or mask for a “seeker” protagonist who sets the story in motion. The “stations” will be decorated by signage or figures representing the promises offered and outcomes hoped for. The final show will combine new songs by Mitch and Nick (“The Billionaires Took All the Money” and “The Seeker”) with additional new music and/or songs from other FPTC shows.  

The March 23 public workshop will develop dialogue for “Stations of the Doublecross.”

The final production will take place on June 22, 2024, in Jay Critchley’s backyard, 7 Carnes Lane, Provincetown.